David Ferris

Your Windows 7 Checklist

When you’re working hard to grow your business, you can get caught up in things that take your attention away from your technology. Before you know it, your IT system isn’t up to speed because you failed to…

Which Application Rules Supreme: Outlook or GMail

Currently, 30% of email addresses change every year. The majority of these changes are business related. No one wants to deal with the problems that come with changing personal contact information. Quite often, personal emails are attached to…

Happy Father’s Day!

June 16th is Father’s Day, a great reason to spend a little quality time with the family doing a few of Dad’s favorite things.   Whatever your plans are, take some time this Sunday to let Dad know…

Outsourcing IT Makes Sense for Small Businesses: 7 Reasons

If you’re a small business owner, you have plenty of things to worry about. IT shouldn’t be one of them. We think it makes complete sense for most small businesses to outsource their IT needs to a managed…

3 Reasons to Regularly Test Business Systems

Protecting your business requires more time, effort and energy from your technology team than ever before. Business systems are increasingly complex, requiring staff members to continually learn and adapt to changing conditions and new threats as they emerge.…

How Much Should A Company Invest In Information Technology?

The rapid increase in technology use in businesses has affected every industry. Across all businesses, the need to keep up with the competition means paying attention to what technologies are available and incorporating the right tech tools as…

Are You Prepared? Your 9 Step Local Business Disaster Recovery Plan

Are you prepared for disaster to strike your business, whether natural or manmade? Many businesses aren’t. They either have no business disaster recovery plan, or the one they have is wholly insufficient. Is this really a big deal…

How to Cyber Secure Your Company in 60 Minutes or Less

In today’s digital economy, cybersecurity is just as important as traditional, physical security. Many small businesses that wouldn’t dream of leaving their stores or offices unlocked and unguarded give little time or effort to a cybersecurity strategy. That’s…

Using Personal Email In The Office?

Personal email accounts for business purposes It can be tempting to use your familiar, personal email account to send and receive emails for your professional life – but you shouldn’t take the risk. Is it safe to use…

Shopping For a Retail POS System?

Whether you are starting out or ready to upgrade, there is a lot to consider when you’re shopping for a retail POS. These topics will help accelerate your research. In a retail business, the selection of your point…